GaN and SiC - Third-generation semiconductor materials have been widely used in producing blue and green LEDs and lasers. GaN and SiC production has become an essential technology for many semiconductor manufacturers.
When reading or hearing about the semiconductor industry, we often hear the term wafer mentioned. But what exactly is a so-called wafer? What does an “8 inch” or “12 inch” wafer refer to? How difficult is it to produce large-sized wafers? The following is a step-by-step introduction to the most important foundation of semiconductors, the wafer.
ChipEx2022 - The major annual event of the Israeli semiconductor industry
ChipEx2022, the largest annual event of the Israeli semiconductor industry, will be held on May 10, 2022 in Tel Aviv, Israel. ChipEx2022 showcases companies including manufacturers, developers and suppliers of advanced hardware technologies & services. It also includes a technical seminar where the world's lea...
Participation in all Expo parts (booths area, technical tracks) is free for employees of the Israeli semiconductor companies but requires early registration and approval.
note: Vendors, catering to the semiconductor industry, are welcome to participate as exhibitors, presenters, sponsors, or purchase a personal entry ticket, as detailed in our registration pag...
The EU not only does not have sufficiently advanced fabs for semiconductor chip manufacturing, but the production capacity for packaging and testing plants is also lacking. With production mostly concentrated in China and Taiwan, and with the EU lagging behind, the "Chip Act", proposed by the EU is expected to help the EU semiconductor industry to catch up.
The global chip shortage, now dragging into its second year, has shaken the electronics industry to its core, crimping the world's ability to build everything from cars to consumer goods and raising prices, and there are a lot of variables complicating the recovery.
Governments are actively promoting the development of regional semiconductor supply chains. AI combines emerging technologies and applications such as the Internet of Things, automotive electronics, and compound semiconductors to drive the growth momentum of the semiconductor industry.
As we head into 2022, with the semiconductor industry still dealing with the global ripple effects of the chip shortage, there are several other key trends dramatically shifting the landscape of this industry. In this post, we’ll take a look at these trends and discuss what we can expect over the coming year.
Integrated circuits are a combination of wide-ranging electronic circuits integrated into a semiconductor chip. They are designed to perform the advanced computational functions which are used in key processor programs. Let's learn more about these fascinating integrated circuits.
According to forecasts, the compound annual growth rate of the semiconductor industry from 2021 to 2026 will exceed 6%. With the increase in investment in storage devices and semiconductor components, the technological advancement of the entire semiconductor industry is also constantly evolving. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as the proliferation of complex electronic products, are driving high-end applications in the consumer electronics and automotive industries, increasing the adoption rate of semiconductor manufacturing to meet growing demands.
Semiconductor supply chain include all kinds of semiconductor manufacturing and design industries, such as IC manufacturing, IC packaging and testing, IC design, and discrete component manufacturing.
In 2020, Taiwan manufacturing output will decline by about 5%, but the semiconductor industry will maintain positive growth. Semiconductor refers to a material whose conductivity can be controlled. The upstream of the semiconductor industry chain is IP and IC design, the midstream is IC, wafer, mask or chemical manufacturing, and the downstream is the packaging and testing industry.