Electric bus
Electric cars
Electric motocycles, scooters
Electric bicycles
Electric cars for children
Charging stations
Accumulating batteries, motors, controllers
Accessories: cables, switchers etc
NEW-TECH EXHIBITIONAll Leading Companies, Representatives, Manufacturers, Distributors, Vendors, Suppliers, Products and all the Leading service providers – All meet at the Major Exhibition – New-Tech Exhibition.The New–Tech Exhibition is the largest and major exhibition of the Hi–Tech & Electronics in Israel. More than 150 companies, who lead these fields in Israel and...
The World Vape Show, launched in September 2021, was the first international vape expo and conference in the UAE, and one that proved to be a BIG hit. It provided global manufacturers and suppliers a unique opportunity to showcase hundreds of products to thousands of international retailers, wholesalers, distributors and consumers in Dubai.
WVS in numbers: The launch event saw over 7500...
ChipEx2022 - The major annual event of the Israeli semiconductor industry
ChipEx2022, the largest annual event of the Israeli semiconductor industry, will be held on May 10, 2022 in Tel Aviv, Israel. ChipEx2022 showcases companies including manufacturers, developers and suppliers of advanced hardware technologies & services. It also includes a technical seminar where the world's lea...
Global Metallurgy Sector Meets the Foundry, Iron-Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal Industries in One Platform!
As the biggest metallurgy meet-up in Eurasia, ANKIROS / TURKCAST are a successful trio of fairs that are supported by leading national and international organizations and associations in the metallurgy sectors. By expanding its exhibitor profile each year, ANKIROS / TURKCAST has enha...
ISAF, which is the only unrivaled event of the sectors it contains, as the largest sectoral gathering in Southeast Europe and the second largest sector in the Middle East and North Africa being prepared for gathering together all the sector representatives in Turkey.ISAF, one of the most well-known global sector exhibition exhibitions, well known by international sec...