Governments are actively promoting the development of regional semiconductor supply chains. AI combines emerging technologies and applications such as the Internet of Things, automotive electronics, and compound semiconductors to drive the growth momentum of the semiconductor industry.
A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a current-driven semiconductor element that uses a small amount of current to control the flow of a larger electric current. In contrast to a unipolar transistors, such as a field-effect transistors which uses only one kind of charge carrier, a BJT uses both electrons and electron holes as charge carriers. BJT Transistors can be used to amplify weak electrical signals and are also used as oscillators or as switches.
The low-code development environment allows users with less technical knowledge to build entire business applications on their own without the assistance of IT staff.
AIOps uses artificial intelligence to simplify IT job management and accelerate and automate problem resolution in complex, modern IT environments.
DevOps is an evolving philosophy and architecture designed to encourage faster and better application development and faster release of new or revised software features or products to customers.
With increasingly complex IT architecture exacerbating maintenance and operation challenges, the demand for IT agility is driving the growth of the AIOps market.
Edge computing will grow in importance as manufacturers see the development of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The interconnected factory, designed for manufacturing automation, will become an essential corporate goal.
Robotic behavior is often built as a computational graph, with data flowing from sensors to computational technology, all the way to actuators and back. To gain additional performance capabilities, robotic computing platforms must efficiently map these graph-like structures to CPUs, as well as to specialized hardware including FPGAs and GPUs.
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud account for 80% of the global cloud market. Which one is right for your operations?
OTA programming is to realize the remote control of the data of the mobile device or equipment through communication and use the wireless network to update the database to obtain the latest version.
The core value of the brain-computer interface: Communication without action. People can communicate with the outside world and even control surrounding objects through the will of the brain without the need to move any part of the body.
The concept of the Metaverse is to use immersive technology to create a second "virtual parallel time and space" in the physical world. People will be able to enter a new virtual world where they can work, socialize and play through virtual identities.
The Metaverse is a new third wave of industry trends that will become more and more important over the next 10 to 20 years. At the singularity moment of the metaverse, the point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, digital assets will be more valuable than physical assets.
FinTech generally refers to an innovative financial service industry formed by companies using technological means to make financial services more efficient.
The science and technology industry is a rapidly changing market. The ability to continue research and development, innovation, and provide value will determine the future of the tech market. Let's understand the trend of the science and technology industry.
From the perspective of capacity, flash memory has a smaller capacity than hard disk types, but the flash memory has a faster reading speed than hard disk memory. Flash memory also has much stronger resistance to damage from vibrations. If you are only listening to songs, it is recommended to buy a flash memory type, which does not require too much capacity. But if you want to record and watch a movie, it is recommended to use a hard disk, to assure you have enough memory to save the entire movie.
The information software in IT industry is expected to grow at a considerable rate in the global software market from 2021 to 2026.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Big Data are topics that have been frequently discussed recently. These technologies are used in many fields, including the financial industry, logistics industry, business analysis, unmanned vehicles, computer vision, natural language processing, etc., and have spread in every corner of life.
According to forecasts, the compound annual growth rate of the semiconductor industry from 2021 to 2026 will exceed 6%. With the increase in investment in storage devices and semiconductor components, the technological advancement of the entire semiconductor industry is also constantly evolving. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as the proliferation of complex electronic products, are driving high-end applications in the consumer electronics and automotive industries, increasing the adoption rate of semiconductor manufacturing to meet growing demands.
Information is an asset to an organization, as valuable as other important operating assets, so it needs to be properly protected continuously. Information security can protect information from various threats, ensure continued operations, minimize operating losses, and obtain a return on investment and business opportunities.