A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a current-driven semiconductor element that uses a small amount of current to control the flow of a larger electric current. In contrast to a unipolar transistors, such as a field-effect transistors which uses only one kind of charge carrier, a BJT uses both electrons and electron holes as charge carriers. BJT Transistors can be used to amplify weak electrical signals and are also used as oscillators or as switches.
Edge computing will grow in importance as manufacturers see the development of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The interconnected factory, designed for manufacturing automation, will become an essential corporate goal.
Technology seeks transparent and easy-to-access features, so that technology is no longer limited to a few Human hands; daily life scenes are also expected to be shaped by augmented reality, wearable devices, etc., with a brand-new future look.
Industrial Internet of Things (Indusrial IoT, or IIoT) is the expansion and use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial applications. Industrial IoT focuses on machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, big data, and machine learning (ML) to make industrial operations more efficient and reliable. IIoT covers the entire industrial application, including robotics, medical equipment, and software-defined production processes.
Improving production efficiency is the foundation for the manufacturing industry to gain a firm foothold. The manufacturing industry achieves smart operations by introducing AI applications, automatically identifying abnormalities, or making adjustment suggestions, and assisting companies in achieving more accurate adjustments to machines and upgrading equipment. During the process, the traditional manufacturers are transformed into the smart manufacturers.
An issue closely related to the smart factory debate concerns the position occupied by industrial production in overall social relationships; in other words, the relationship between factory and society, within which there is a new reflection on the relationship between factories and urban spaces, cities.
"Efficiency" is the most important key in the pursuit of success in the manufacturing process and the entire industry.
Today, the Internet of Things is still a hot topic in many industries. Emphasizing the benefits of adopting this technology, Fortune Business Insights estimates that by 2026, the global Internet of Things market will reach 1102.6 billion US dollars.
One of the main tenets of Industry 4.0 is data collection. Machine tools will have sensors that will collect many different kinds of data, including data on how much the machine has operated, the conditions it has operated in, and the condition of the components of the tool.
The advent of the Industry 4.0 era, coupled with the continued fever of the China-US trade war, has driven Taiwan's manufacturing industry to transform its digital manufacturing into smart manufacturing through digitalization and intelligentization. However, there are four major challenges encountered during the transformation process, and finding a solution to the practice will be the key to the company's victory.
After "Cloud Computing", a new term "Fog Computing" has been added in recent years. It mainly comes from the phrase "fog is a cloud closer to the ground".
Under the leading policy of "Industry 4.0" in Germany, the manufacturing industry followed the concept of "smart manufacturing", and introduced the digital application of machinery into the factory. Based on the information technology services that belong to the energy economy category, it was imported from cloud software. Optimize the process. This kind of service platform is built on a modular structure that can be flexibly combined and uses AI to assist in providing strategic recommendations to achieve the energy-saving benefits of IoT machines.
Industry 4.0 is well underway and already having a big impact on manufacturing throughout the world. Technologies such as IIoT, big data and analytics, digital twin/thread, and the smart connected factory and supply chain are all elements of Industry 4.0 that are becoming ubiquitous in almost every manufacturing company.
In the field of manufacturing and supply chain, the technical assistance of Industry 4.0 and 5G and AI, combined with blockchain, can promote the new development of manufacturing and achieve more effective integration of hardware, software and services.
Innovative application of block chain gradually enters the mass market, cross-chain integration technology to achieve industrial commercial value.
Artificial intelligence illuminates the evolution of IoT and promotes three key application areas.
With the advent of Industry 4.0, countries have also adjusted their industrial manufacturing strategies to enhance their smart manufacturing capabilities.
Do you know the new words about tooling 4.0? Here we provide some introduction and example that manufacturers can know and follow the direction. Tooling 4.0 improves all about using technology to turn "clumsy" products into "smart" products.
Nowadays, the traditional industry combines the technology of the Internet of Things, towards the innovation of Industry 4.0 and the development of intelligent manufacturing.