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  • Electric & Electronics
Electricity is an important driving force for economic and social development and plays a vital role in the national economy. The equipment used in the electric supply industry is essential for maintaining the stable and reliable operation of the power system.
ISAF, which is the only unrivaled event of the sectors it contains, as the largest sectoral gathering in Southeast Europe and the second largest sector in the Middle East and North Africa being prepared for gathering together all the sector representatives in Turkey.ISAF, one of the most well-known global sector exhibition exhibitions, well known by international sec...
A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a current-driven semiconductor element that uses a small amount of current to control the flow of a larger electric current. In contrast to a unipolar transistors, such as a field-effect transistors which uses only one kind of charge carrier, a BJT uses both electrons and electron holes as charge carriers. BJT Transistors can be used to amplify weak electrical signals and are also used as oscillators or as switches.
Integrated circuits are a combination of wide-ranging electronic circuits integrated into a semiconductor chip. They are designed to perform the advanced computational functions which are used in key processor programs. Let's learn more about these fascinating integrated circuits.