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  • Circular Economy
With the global economic development, the demand of the consumer market has driven the vigorous growth of the textile industry. However, under the business model of production-based sales, excessive production has not only caused environmental pollution but has also caused unnecessary waste of resources. Over the past few years, this has led the United Nations and the European Union, to begin to advocate "sustainability" and "environmental protection" as the focus of global development for the next 10 years.
With the global economic development, the demand of the consumer market has driven the vigorous growth of the textile industry. However, under the business model of production-based sales, excessive production has not only caused environmental pollution but has also caused unnecessary waste of resources. Over the past few years, this has led the United Nations and the European Union, to begin to advocate "sustainability" and "environmental protection" as the focus of global development for the next 10 years.
The concept of circular economy replaces the conventional thinking of linear economy in the past. Understanding the importance of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) enables business owners to have a common goal to implement renewable energy, which is beneficial to the sustainable development of energy and the environment.
With technological progress and industrial restructuring, the cement industry is actively introducing a circular economy and has become an international pioneer in net-zero carbon emissions through alternative fuels, alternative raw materials, waste heat power generation, green power development, and carbon capture technologies.
The circular economy is the development trend of the production chain in recent years. In the face of limited resources, being able to design an efficient regeneration system can create more business opportunities. If you don't know what circular economy is? Or if you don’t know how to improve corporate profits through circular economy, this article will introduce you the definition of circular economy, as well as 7 circular economy business models, and help you create sustainable business methods that meet the needs of your business.
In the past, excessive consumption, wanton mining, indiscrete manufacturing, and careless abandonment of wastes, led to the rapid depletion of natural resources. Now, the pursuit of a circular economy, with the goal of zero waste through recycling of resources, is being implemented in an attempt to solve environmental problems.
With the global economic development, the demand of the consumer market has driven the vigorous growth of the textile industry. However, under the business model of production-based sales, excessive production has not only caused environmental pollution but has also caused unnecessary waste of resources. Over the past few years, this has led the United Nations and the European Union, to begin to advocate "sustainability" and "environmental protection" as the focus of global development for the next 10 years.
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology is to pretreat and evaporate industrial wastewater, collect the condensed water distilled from the zero liquid discharge system for water recycling applications, and send unevaporated solids to landfills or use them as valuable salt. Class by-products are reused. In 2018, the global ZLD market demand was approximately 5,442 million U.S. dollars, with the largest industrial application being the energy and power industries, followed by the petrochemical and chemical industries.