plastprintpack Kenya (plastprintpack Kenya)
Physical Exhibition
Wed, Oct 12 2022 - Fri, Oct 14 2022
The Sarit Expo Centre
Plastprintpack Kenya targets to become an annual platform for valuable business contacts between leading manufacturers from the world over and professionals from the Kenyan and Swahili speaking East & Central African Plastprintpack & Agrofood industry. Based on their vast experience in organizing professional trade shows in North and sub-Saharan Africa, the German trade show specialists fairtrade now launches plastprintpack & agrofood Kenya.
Kenya is East & Central Africa’s largest importer of plastics in primary forms
Since Kenya only produces 1% of its required plastic raw materials itself and imports 99% (mainly from the Middle East, Europe and Asia), Kenya has great potential for exporters of plastics in primary forms.
Kenya’s per capita plastics consumption on the upThe per capita consumption of plastics in Kenya has grown by 6.55% annually over the past years, from 4.4 kg in 2007 to 9.8 kg in 2018 and is estimated to be 11.4 kg in 2022.
Kenya’s plastics consumption by application 201851% of consumption is accounted for by packaging, 22% by construction, 5% by automotive, 3% by electrical, electronics & telecom, the remainder by various industries.