CNS Annual Meeting (CNS Annual Meeting)
Physical Exhibition
Sat, Mar 13 2021 - Tue, Mar 16 2021
Boston, USA
Virtual Exhibition
Sat, Mar 13 2021 - Tue, Mar 16 2021
Organizer :
CNS Annual Meeting showcases products and services relating to the practice and advancement of the art and science of neurological surgery and the professional education etc. in the Medical & Pharmaceutical industry.
The 50th/Golden Anniversary Meeting of the Child Neurology Society is scheduled to be held September 29-October 2, 2021 in Boston, MA. The meeting will feature the usual high level educational content with an overall emphasis this year on cultivating a richly nuanced appreciation of the profession’s development over time, ie, “Child Neurology: Past, Present and Future.” Several outstanding, cutting-edge symposia and seminar proposals were received from members during the open-submission period for members ending January 31. These, along with award lectures by Drs. Jerry Mendell (Sachs Award), Jonathan Mink (Hower Award), and the recipients yet to be determined for the newly created Martha Bridge Denckla Award and the Phillip R. Dodge Young Investigator Award, will offer informative, insightful and inspiring looks at the fast moving field at present and in the years ahead. A special Legacy Reception/Luncheon honoring past and present CNS officers as well as past and present recipients of the Roger & Mary Brumback Lifetime Achievement Award, the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award, and the Blue Bird Circle Training Director Award will be a highlight of the meeting, as will all of the alumna get-togethers staged throughout the week by individual training programs. Last, but certainly not least: the meeting will mark the long-awaited coordinated release of the revised edition of Founders of Child Neurology, edited by Dr. Stephen Ashwal. This is one meeting you will not want to miss, one we deeply hope will not be forced to an all-virtual platform by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Look for updates on evolving plans for the 50th/Golden Anniversary Meeting on the new CNS website scheduled to launch in February 2021 and the Winter 2021 CNS Connections due out in late February. And check your email for regular eConnections updates on meeting content and delivery as we continue to monitor the prospects of meeting live in Boston in the fall. (Be sure to check your spam folder and white-list [email protected] if you are not receiving eConnections.