Aiaa Aviation And Aeronautics Forum And Exposition (Aiaa Aviation And Aeronautics Forum And Exposition)
Physical Exhibition
Mon, Jun 27 2022 - Fri, Jul 01 2022
Washington Marriott Wardman Park
Washington DC
The Aiaa Aviation And Aeronautics Forum And Exposition will cover areas like Aerodynamic Prediction Methods, Aircraft Flight Dynamics, Handling Qualities, and Performance, Flight Test, System Identification and Parameter Estimation, Launch Vehicle, Missile, and Projectile Flight Dynamics, Unmanned Systems and Small/Mini & Micro Aerial Vehicles, Airships and Hybrid Airships, Planetary Entry and Aeroassist Technology, Aeroservoelastic Control etc.
Aerospace Leadership in a Transitioning World!
The AIAA AVIATION Forum is the only aviation event that covers the entire integrated spectrum of aviation business, research, development, and technology.