Tools & hardware related to architecture, carpenter, maintenance, and horticulture will gather all at once in TOOL JAPAN. Not only the retailers & wholesalers from hardware stores, home centres, garden centres and hardware shops, but also industry professional users will visit the show. Join the show phisically or virtually to source the latest & trendy products!
TOOL JAPAN has been established as Japan’s leading trade show for tools and hardware industry since its launch in 2010, continuously expanding its size year by year. In 2019, 250 exhibitors will gather from around the world to receive orders from importers, home centres, tool shops, hardware shops, etc.
Major tool brands have already decided to exhibit at the show this year, such as MAKITA, Husqvarna AB, Koki Holdings, Fujiwara Sangyo, etc. Additionally, with the special seminars conducted by WORKMAN, CAINZ, Amazon, and MonotaRO, the expectations from both exhibitors and visitors are higher than ever, promising concrete business connections on site.