ExpoMecanica y Autopartes (ExpoMecanica y Autopartes)
Physical Exhibition
Fri, May 21 2021 - Sun, May 23 2021
Military Circle Peru
Jesus Maria
ExpoMecanica y Autopartes culminated after three days of large exhibitions, negotiations, offers, and commercial agreements between manufacturers and suppliers from 14 countries, in addition to the presence of companies that lead the market Peruvian automotive. This year the most complete exhibition of auto parts, mechanical implements and automotive service registered the presence of 12,055 visits during the three days that the fair remained, all the visitors had access to a wide range of new technological trends and innovative products in spare parts, auto parts, components, electronics, engines, automotive paint, tuning, automotive cleaning, diagnostics, parts, accessories, systems, lubricants, additives and supplies, as well as tools, equipment and mechanical implements for the various automotive service centers, industries that have fleets of vehicles and motorized units, dealers, factories, lubricants, car wash, distributors,importers and general mechanical service workshops dedicated to the maintenance and repair of light and heavy vehicles throughout the country.