Big Fake Wedding San Diego (Big Fake Wedding San Diego)
Physical Exhibition
Sat, Jan 16 2021 - Sat, Jan 16 2021
San Diego, USA
San Diego
The Big Fake Wedding, a Georgia corporation (“Company”), and you (“Vendor”). If Vendor fails to pay the investment fee before the applicable Event, Company reserves the right to prohibit Vendor’s participation in the applicable Event, to remove all mention of Vendor from Company’s website and blogs, and to terminate all of Vendor’s other rights under this Agreement. Payment that has not been received prior to the Event will be subject to a 10% late fee. If Vendor chooses to terminate this agreement prior to seventy days before Event, they will not be required to pay their remaining balance. If Vendor chooses to terminate this agreement within seventy days of Event, Vendor will pay to Company the investment fee in full. The investment fee can be transferred to another event at a later date if space is available for that company at the new event. A new Vendor Agreement must be completed and payment in full must be received in order to finalize transfer.